Saturday, December 25, 2010


The bad news: I am a blog failure.
The good news: I am no longer under the restraints of my FSEM class, so I can do whatever my heart desires with this blog...but it will probably just continue to be a photo blog.

On the off-chance that people are still actually following my blog, I apologize that I am about the worst updater ever. Yes, I have been on break for 5 weeks, having had nothing to do for 3 of those weeks. I am ashamed. BUT a gift was sent from the gods (or today: a brand new Canon Rebel XS DSLR camera. My adoration for photography is renewed. And on top of that, my whole extended family went up to my grandma's house in Nederland for Christmas dinner. We started out the day with a hike; my stepdad's family owns tons of the surrounding land, complete with an old mine. I got to put my new best friend to use.

This year, there was a mini-crisis with the roast beef. Much dispute was had over what temperature to cook it at and for how long. It was 3 hours before we got to eat, and it was still under-done. Luckily, Aunt Lori saved the day by stir-frying it. Not your typical Christmas dinner, but I guess it's better than having duck at a Chinese restaurant, "A Christmas Story" style.

Sophie, my 7-year old sister who loves to show-off for the camera.

Tori, my 5-year old sister who refuses to take a normal picture.